

Graphic Designing

Rebrand your business with visuals that suit your thinking

Graphics are significant to represent the personality of you and your brand. They make the face of your company. A user might end up leaving your portal if it fails to impress them within eight seconds. Every business, whether big or small, starts its journey with a captivating logo and also adds visually appealing content as a finishing touch. Of all other digital strategies for captivating an audience, graphic design stands out as one of the most viable options. Organizations can communicate their personality to potential customers by utilizing the visual language. It aims to evoke the emotions of onlookers and make you convey a special message. When done for long enough, it directs customers to take action and spurs them to establish contact with your company.

Quick Facts:

Social media post with images see 2.3X more engagement

Our brain processes visuals 60,000 X faster than text

Tweets with Images receives 150% more re-tweets

90% of information transmitted to brain is visual

40% of People respond better to visual

People remember 80% of what they see compared to only 20% of what they read

RandoMize can create impactful visuals that will help you attract more people towards your brand by making their aesthetic sense match with yours. Our graphic designing strategy revolves not only around pictures and drawings but also around visuals that are adept at critical problem-solving through the use of imagery. Because we know it assists the marketers to develop brand awareness and influence the decision-making process of their customers.

Contact us today to incorporate graphics in design to optimize the user experience.